23 September 2008

Back in Action, I Hope!!

Sorry for the lack of posts. I got a bit tired of keyboard bashing and studies have been occupying my time. Hopefully I will be able to post more regularly for the next few days.

I am sure you have all noticed the catastrophe in the financial sector. This will have a significant effect on hi-tech companies here, especially if the interest rates on loans increases. If companies are hoping to finance capital expenditures through debt, their interests costs will sky rocket.

Additionally, perception of a weakening economy, and growing liquidity concerns in the minds of consumers may have a downward impact on demand for luxury (hi-tech) products. This decrease in demand will definitely be felt right through the value chain from the retail stores, to the product manufacturers, to the component manufacturers to the chipset designers, fabs and raw material providers.

So the meltdown in the financial sector does have ramifications for everyone including us here in the hi-tech industry. Long term, well the way I see it is that people now and in the future will still want to by computers. The industry might undergo some consolidation with weaker players in each sector disappearing and stronger, bigger companies filling the gap.

Anyway, interesting times, interesting times......

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