CustomPC writes VIA Technologies (VIA) will exit the third-party chipset market. Chipsets are those devices that connect the processor (CPU) to the memory and other external peripheral devices. VIA have been making chipsets for sometime but now feel the chipset market is fading arguing Intel and AMD are making most of their own chipsets. CustomPC writes:
VIA is now focusing on x86 processors and the integrated motherboard market, rather than chipsets for third-party CPUs.
Previously one of the best chipset makers for enthusiasts looking for high performance on a budget, VIA has told Custom PC that it now sees no future in making chipsets for third parties such as Intel and AMD.
Speaking to Custom PC, VIA’s vice president of corporate marketing in Taiwan, Richard Brown, explained that: ‘One of the main reasons we originally moved into the x86 processor business was because we believed that ultimately the third party chipset market would disappear, and we would need to have the capability to provide a complete platform.’
‘That has indeed come to pass,’ said Brown. He also added that ‘Intel provides the vast majority of chipsets for its processors and, following its purchase of ATI, AMD is also moving very quickly in the same direction.’
As for focusing on the motherboard market they will have to play a big game of catchup. It is a different business and they will be in direct competition with their previous chipset customers and their current processor customers. Additionally, their new processors will be in direct competition with the Intel Atom processor. Intel, however, are old competitors and used to compete with VIA in the chipset market. VIA understand their market segment and it will be interesting to see how they go in the future.
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